Wednesday, February 9, 2011

which one is that again?

"It's Oscar season once again. Do the Oscars mean anything to [me]?" 

Evidently the Emmys, the Grammys, the Academy Awards, the Teen and People's Choice Awards, the Golden Globes, MVAs, and some other 'thinger-ma-jigger' called the SAG Awards have all come and gone sometime in the past 365 days and not one of these "momentous" events has made so much as a blip on my radar.


Believe me, I would love to be on top of 'pop' culture and be 'on the in' with all the latest styles, gossip and trending topics...if it weren't so gosh darn uninteresting. Apologies to Elvis (wait, he is dead...) Ellen (she hosted one of these things, right?)... but I just really don't care who wore what, and who's dating who, and which famous face is up for what prestigious award.

Sure, I love clothes and fashion and it is true I spend the better part of most days people watching and absorbing new ideas for my own personal style, but I am also perpetually 6-9 months behind any goings-on concerning my fellow- admittedly more acclaimed- Homo sapiens.

The clothes I wear, the music I listen to, the movies I go see, and the people I admire are influenced by the people around me. I respect that the world we live in is a global village, but my life is most impacted by the people directly in it, not by the day-to-day behaviours and inclinations of celebrities.

So in answer to the question stated above:

Um, no.

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