Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In a World of Steel-Toed Boots

I am average
As far as people go I am particularly unremarkable. 
I have brown hair. I have brown eyes. I am a white female. 
(Ok, so far I match the description of about half the population of North America. Sweet.)  
I am a mesomorph- average height, average weight. 
I speak English. 
(Great, so I could be any one of a billion or more people.) 
I have no special talents or abilities. 
I play piano, but not fabulously well. 
I am athletic, but I don't excel at any sport. 
I go to university and I do alright.
I am superbly, flawlessly, typical.

But being average is not a bad thing! Don't misinterpret this statement as being a negative reflection of my self image. By saying I am average I simply mean that at surface level I am perfectly ordinary; the norm; utterly on par with the next Joe-Shmoe; I am like the standard-edition model of human beings. 
And being average is awesome.
Being average is challenging.
It forces me to seek and develop the qualities that do set me apart from all the other average people. 
And being average also means I have a choice.
I always have the choice to step back and blend in. 
Or I can choose to be amazing, and interesting, and vibrant. 
As I said: awesome.     

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